Citizen Resources

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Smart Voter Resources

League of Women Voters


On The Issues

Kettering Foundation



Democracy Research Resources
V-Dem Reports

Common Cause Democracy Wire  

Pew Research Center for Democracy   

Democracy Journal

Journal of Democracy

National Democratic Institute      

World Movement for Democracy   

Democracy Works

Democracy Web      

Democracy Now    

Protect Democracy

Democracy Fund

60 Second Civics Lessons

Brennan Center for Justice

Crash Course On Digital Information (Poynter Institute MediaWise Project)

Crash Course on Media Literacy

Curricular Resources
Teaching Civic Engagement (American Political Science Association)

Strengthening Democracy in America (Center for Civic Education)

Civics Renewal Network (Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics, Annenberg Public Policy Center)

Civics Discourse Toolkit (Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics, Annenberg Public Policy Center)

These resources represent various viewpoints. They are the opinions of the respective websites
and organizations, not necessarily those of First Responders for Democracy.

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